Just a Reminder

Just a reminder to everyone... if you are scheduled to play the following Sunday be sure to come by my office on Sunday morning to pick up your worship folder and music. This is a great way to come to rehearsal prepared and have a heads up to the songs we will be playing. You cam also log into planningcenteronline.com and look at the plans for the Sunday your playing as well as download the music from that site.

If you have any questions just drop me a line. Love you all!

Be Near

You know it's easy to get caught up in the noise of life and miss the masterpiece God is painting for the sake of a few brush strokes. I've been sitting in my office for a couple of hours now, planning, playing songs, scanning the web for videos, and then I start to realize that I'm missing God. I mean I'm doing all of this for him but in the midst I'm getting lost.

I am reminded of Psalm 46:10 which reads, 'Be still, and know that I am God...' Too often we get busy with life or work or even family and God is saying, shhhh... stop, quiet down, be still. We have to take the time to slow down and come and sit in our Father's presence. Turn off the TV, turn off the radio, and even turn off the computer. James 4 says, 'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.'

My encouragement to you all is this, and this is for myself just as much, take some time, draw near to God and find the rest we so desperately need and can only get from Him.